Our grandson, Jackob, is such a sweet boy. We got to be with him this past week on his spring break.
On Instagram for the month of April, I'm following and participating in #apixelchallenge. For the fifth day the topic was "feathered or fishy". While trying to find a picture of a fish or a bird, I came across these pictures. I didn't know I had sooooo many pictures of Jackob fishing.
His parents have seen to it that he has been able to participate in a lot of different activities and interests. The one thing about him though, is that he is just, what I call a fun loving, country boy!
One of his favorite things is fishing. As you can tell, from the collage, he's good at it! As a matter of fact, he caught the fish in the middle picture just this past week. Others had said there was not any fish in the pond to catch. Guess he proved them wrong. I taught him everything, he knows about fishing, if course! Ha ha! You who know me well know that's not so!
Someone has taught him, though. I'm sure his dad as taught him a lot and you can see from the pictures that his Pappaw has spent some precious moments with him in this hobby.
What a sweetie! I love this boy! I'm glad I found all these pictures of him. Thanks to a challenge a day on Instagram!