Monday, February 13, 2012

Loving is Caring

On day five of 14 Days of Valentines, I want to talk about a character trait of my husband that is very wonderful.  That is his compassion.  I guess it comes with the territory of being a pastor and having a pastor's heart, but it is a wonderful thing to have.  He cares about people.

He cares when they are his loved ones and they are hurting.  Here with his aunt who recently
broke both her knees.

He care about the concerns and problems of even the smallest of his congregation:

He cares and offers a little of encouragement when that is all that is needed:

He cares about the well being of his family:

He cares about special times in people's lives.


He cares enough to lend a shoulder to lean on when a wife is weary!

The most important thing he cares about are the souls of men.  As a matter of fact he has given his life to show people how they can make sure their soul is going to heaven.  This verse describes how strongly he believes in the importance of this matter:  Jude 1:22 "And of some have compassion, making a difference:"  He puts an emphasis on that in our church in encouraging our people to reach our community, but also on reaching out to the world in a world wide mission program.  He cares enough that he himself has gone on several mission trips to distant lands to share the gospel with those in other countries.

He has always had a very compassionate heart and I love that about him.  I wish I could tell you all the ways and times he has displayed compassion; there's been many, many times.    There's Someone else who has compassion for us.  My husband pictures that Someone in the compassion which he shows.  He inspires me to be more compassionate; he inspires me to be more like Christ.  I love that about him!

Thank you for joining me for Day Five.  You can click here for Day six of 14 Days of Valentines.

Flowers, flowers, and more flowers for DayThirteen of 14 Days of Valentines

My husband loves flowers, plants, fruit trees, etc.  I guess you can say he has a green thumb.  I'm glad he does, because even though I love the beautiful flowers, it seems like I don't have much success with them. 

He actually planted or placed or sewed pretty much every green, flowering, living thing in our yard with his own two hands.  When we first built the house, it was pretty much rock and rock and more rocks.  It took several years to get it to grow anything; even grass.  My husband's patience (something he is known for) has paid off.  Thankfully, the back yard looks like this now: (well, not in February, but in June!)

Yes, my talented husband has really worked hard to make a rocky, barren, dull, place (sorry, no before pics), look like these pictures below:

Same picture as the one above only this one
is at night. You can see the little pond that
Lonnie made . 

I love having all this beautiful landscaping. One of the things I like about it is that approximately eight months out of the year I can have some kind of fresh flower or flowering bush that can be cut and brought inside for a fresh bouquet.  Through the summer months, my gardener (his name is Lonnie!) almost always will cut some kind of flowers and bring them in and put them in water for me! I love that! It's like having Valentines Day all year!

It's even beautiful in the winter months:

We have lots of these in the winter time.  They know that a
nice man lives here, so they like this place as much as I do!

You can click here and here  to see more landscaping .

So on day 13 of 14 Days of Valentines when the color is supposed to be red, I'm loving the fact that my Valentine has a green thumb!

Click here for the final day of  of 14 Days of Valentines.

Hearts! Chocolates! Cards! Jewelry! True Love Demonstrated

On this day twelve of 14 days of Valentines, I could think of a dozen things my husband has given me for Valentines Day to show his love for me.  Hearts!  Chocolates! Cards!  Jewelry!  Flowers!   These are some of the wonderful things I have received from my Valentine for  Valentines Day.  Of course the gifts my husband showers on me are always loved and appreciated and make me feel so special!

I remember the first box of candy he got me for Valentines Day.  It was a heart shaped box with all those different varieties of chocolates in it.  Of course I still was in a house with siblings and I had to guard over my candy to keep them from eating it all!

He also would gave me a card which I still have (somewhere!). Those were the days of getting those wonderful boxes of candy for Valentines Day.  As the years have gone by the gifts have leaned more toward the inedible!  Hmmmm!  Wonder why?!

 Of course candy is eaten, (or maybe I should say stored in places I would rather it not be!),  flowers wilt, and paper decays.
 The main thing, though, that I have and that will never fade, decay or get lost is the true meaning of love which my Valentine has taught me and the true example of that love that he is to me.

He so aptly teaches and preaches and practices from Ephesians 5:25, 28 how a husband is to love their wife.  "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;".  Verse 28 says, So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
The part that he explains here is the "even as" in verse 25 and the "as" in verse 28.  The husband should love his wife "even as" Christ loved, the church (His body), and gave Himself for it.  Then in verse 28 , he explains that the husband is to love the wife "as" his own body, meaning there should be no difference between his and her body.  This also puts new light on the fact that  husband and wife are one flesh.  Husband and wife are not two separate entities but one; one body in the Lord!

I cannot explain it like he does, but I hope it's plain enough to understand.  By the way, I am thankful and feel so blessed to have a husband who can explain the Word of God the way he does.  I sometimes call him my "walking commentary"!

Through his teaching of love and his acts of love, he has shown to me what Christ's love is for me.  I actually found a poem that I wrote to Lonnie one Valentines Day several years ago.

A Picture of Christ to Me

You are a picture of Christ to me
No greater love on earth could be.

I am so thankful for God's Word
But He's given me you and your words I've also heard.

At times Bible truths may be hard to understand,
But when you explain, then I can!

The truth you've shown recently
Has probably been the sweetest to me;

That  - you are me- and - I am you;
We are one! Yes, God's Word says it's true!

Not many would see a truth so clear.
Yet to you He's revealed it, 'cause to Him you're so near!

Thank you for the truths you share,
Not only for me, but for others you care.

Thank you for being an example of Christ to me;
For showing what even my relation with Him can be.

Just like Him, you'll always be there,
In the good times and bad to show me you care.

Thank you for being a picture of Christ to me,
Without you, I'm sure I would never have seen.
                                    With all my heart,  Gail

Not only is the Bible truth of God's love for me, but for the whole world.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Romans 5:8  "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
For more in this, you can read the page "How to be 100 percent you're going to Heaven" from the side bar.

Thank you, honey, for all the demonstrations of love!

You can click here for day thirteen in 14 Days of Valentines.
